Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bark If It's Your Birthday

Jack's little girlfriend Mimi turned three yesterday. Mimi's parents threw her a party on the lawn to celebrate the occasion. Mimi's other boyfriend Bailey also attended. Since there were three dogs total it made total sense to have a peanut butter cake from Three Dog Bakery.
Mimi couldn't keep her eyes off of the cake.
We all sang "Happy Birthday".
Since Mimi is a proper young lady, all of the dogs were served on paper plates. Jack forgot his manners and ran off into the grass with his slice of cake.

He really wanted to make sure the others didn't come near his crumbs.
He ran off into the grass again to chow down on his second slice of cake. Then he came back looking for thirds, which he didn't get. He's such a piggy little puggle.


weezermonkey said...

This made me laugh. So cute!

Grace said...

The dogs are so cute and I love the birthday cake!

10yearstogether said...

The first sentence had me cracking up. Happy birthday Mimi!

Unknown said...

Too funny!

Insomniac said...

Does it make sense to have a birthday cake from 3 Dog Bakery if there's only one fat little puggle in attendance? Probably not. :blushes:

Feminist Gold Digger said...